My favorite Assassin's Creed quotes from all games...

"Attenzione! It has come to the attention of the Signoria that the young men have been climbing the city's buildings for sport. While not illegal per se, remember it is only 'divertimento' until someone breaks a leg."
-Florentine herald, "Assassin's Creed 2"

"The Signoria has called for a contest to build a new municipal hall to be sighted near Santa Maria Novella. Interested members of dell 'Arte de ' Maestri di Pietra e Legname, should submit their applications to their gonfaloniere."
-Florantine herald, "Assassin's Creed 2"

"The citizens of Pisa...once again sent Firenze a message of contempt. The city's youth apparently gathered and bared their posteriors at our honorable delegation."
-Florantine herald, "Assassin's Creed 2"

"Minstrels plying their trade within the city limits are asked to avoid performing the popular lay about the little boy of Prussia. It has caused several PRIESTS to suffer embarrassing physical juttings- in PUBLIC." [LMAO!!!]
-Roman herald, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"Such unbelievable prices I have for you 'stimati clienti'! You will say I'm quite 'pazzo'!!!"
-Merchant, "Assassin's Creed 2 & Brotherhood"

"Prices so low, you won't believe your eyes! Just... take a look!" O_O
-Merchant, "Assassin's Creed 2 & Brotherhood"

-Doctor, "Assassin's Creed 2 & Brotherhood"

"You steal a man's wife... AND THEN GO HIDE INSIDE A FORTRESS!?? NOTHING hangs between your thighs! In fact there is a HOLE there, so deep, it REACHES into the MALEDETTO INFERNO!!!"
-Bartolomeo D'Alviano (to Baron de Valois), "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"How can you see with your nose so far, up in the air!? You might step in 'merda'!"
-Roman vigilante (to Borgia guard), "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"OFFICER! OFFICER! STOP! I think you left your BALLS back here! Small... shriveled... IMPOTENT, RIGHT!?" XD
-Roman vigilante (to Borgia guard), "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"I'm too young to die! God, please let me live! I promise to live a better life! I can't die... I'M BEAUTIFUL! Oh, animale! HELP!" :(
-Frightened civilian woman, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"Innocent... I'm INNOCENT... not involved!!! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!! Jesus, SAVE ME!!! I've been a good woman! How have I displeased you Lord? Mercy! MAD MEN... ALL MAD MEN! I want NO part of this evil!" :(
-Frightened civilian woman, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"Misericordia! Merciful Jesus, save us! SHIT! I've got to get out of here!!! Is this another little cosmic joke!? Why me!? Always in the wrong place at the wrong time! Madre Santa, TIME TO LEAVE!!! Trust me... to get caught in the middle! Leave me alone... LEAVE ME ALONE! I-I-I'm only visiting! I don't know what's going on! MERCY, MERCY, I'VE DONE NOTHING. LEAVE ME BE, I'M NO THREAT TO ANYONE! I'M NOT A PARTY TO ANY OF THIS! I've got to get away, presto... PRESTO!!!"
-Frightened civilian man (fleeing the vicinity), "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"WHY ARE YOU HERE? Get DOWN, or I'll THROW you down!"
-Rooftop guard (all cities), "Assassin's Creed 2"

"Hark! Citizen! I'll have a word with you! The last imbecille who acted like you soon found pieces of himself all over the place! Keep your activities withIN the law... right?"
-Borgia Brute guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"I have two robberies and four murders, unresolved. Perhaps if I remove your tongue and say you are guilty, I get promoted. Now CLEAR OFF, I've got better things to do!"
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"Di nuovo!? If it wasn't a busy moment, I would stop to get to know you much, MUCH better - an encounter you would be -wise- to avoid."
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"WHAT!? YOU DON'T LISTEN TOO GOOD! You -enjoy- disrupting the peace? You're obviously quite the twit... I'm considered to be a funny man too, wouldn't you know! Stop, or I'll rip your spine out, one notch at a time! Next time, NO TALKING... I'll simply run you through. Capito!?"
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"You STUPID little shit! Do you want to end up on the pike, like the last idiot who crossed me? I think not. One more slip from you, [and] I'll bring you to the hang man!"
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"Repeat offender!!! I -KILL- vermin like you for fun!!! So which part of your PATHETIC anatomy would you like to lose first-for future reference? If I have to speak to you again, there will be trouble. Capito? Walk the right road from now on, alright straniero?"
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"What are you doing? Imbecille! Only the guards are above the law. If we feel like stealing your purse and slicing your throat, well... eh..." *shoves Ezio* "All sinking in? You understand? GO!"
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"You remind me of someone - reeeeal stronzo, whole family executed. You wish to end up as they did? You don't even have a bribe for me?! Very unwise... Inconvenience me again and it will be the end of you!"
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"What do you expect us to do? Give you an award for being an IDIOT?! Fair enough. Keep it up, we'll give you a prize..."
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"Well, well... another trouble-maker who can't seem to contain his wilder nature. Ahhh, but we have a cure for that, wouldn't you know! Now stop wasting my time!"
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"Disturbing my peace isn't very wise, amico... it can easily become an issue, yes? I hate it when you brainless contadini act tough like this... disturbing my nice, quiet, rouse. Next time, we put you in the ground!"
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"WHAT?! I've warned you before, STOLTO! You remind me of cow dung - dropped from a high tower, you too will be a stinking smear on the 'strada'. You get the picture I am painting, yes?"
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"Ancora!? I hate it when you pathetic stranieri come here, thinking you know better... [thinking] your ways are best. HERE, my way is the -ONLY- way! This is MY territory and you better live by the rules... MY RULES!!!"
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"Macchè! What Devil has infested your brain!? What kind of trash is this? Southern trash? *pooh* Smells like Southern trash... I HATE Southern trash!"
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"Better for you if you play by my rules, YES? We had trouble not far from here... witnesses were hard to find... but YOU... I've got my eye on you! Now you will contain your exuberance, yes, pezzo [di merda]?"
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"From now on, you will be an 'Angel'... or I shall send you to hell, YES?!"
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"We execute criminals the old, festive way... we tie the condemned man's intestines to the ox that LEADS THE PARADE! Now can I let you go, or will you just do it again?" *turns away* "(Pssss... <_< Pellegrini, BAH!"
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"HEY!!! YOU WISH TO ENJOY THE FINER POINTS OF THE LAW!? You deserve some kind of reward for your actions... a 'guided tour' of our captivating dungeons, perhaps! Give me a reason not to throw you in a cell. Hah... if I did that, you'd thank me for feeding you and giving you a room!"
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"I'm not playing with you, stronzo. You only get so much patience from me before I snap... you -don't- want to see me snap! You don't want to see me again... now DO YOU!?"
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"Stai attento, stronzo. After that little show, you're lucky I even let you walk the streets! Right now, you're on my bad side. Don't push [me], because trust me... YOU don't want to see my GOOD side!"
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"YOU AGAIN!!! WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU!?! You really want me to draw my blade... it would be the last thing you ever see!"
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"Ai-yah... YOU HAVE PROBLEMS OF THE BRAIN, YES!? What are you doing here anyway, eh? Do you live nearby? Visiting an uncle? Does your MAMMA know where you are!?"
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"STILL, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!? You need a beating to get the message!?! Didn't your papa hit you enough as a child? Do I need to finish you? You have disappointed me, messere. I tend to get violent when I'm dissapointed. So, don't disappoint me [again]."
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"What? Do you not understand the words that are coming out of my mouth, IDIOTA!? AM I BORING YOU!? Perhaps my warning wasn't in any language you could comprehend!"
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"I'm beginning to think your face would look better black and bloated, with your tongue out, and a rope for a collar. Si?"
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"Through many years and many SHITS like you, I have always given this friendly warning: 'Behave... or I'll have your BALLS!'"
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"You think we are kindhearted, public servants, out to gently correct your youthful exuberance? Allow me to dis-amuse you!"
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"This is my watch, buffone. And here, I'm a king. I don't appreciate idiots disrupting my peace. Get out of my sight!"
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"THE PEACE WILL BE KEPT!!! Don't talk much, do you? Of all the MERDA in Roma... you think we preserve the peace with florid speech and gentle manners!?" *shoves Ezio*
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"COME HERE, YOU PIG DROPPING! I have to stop and interrupt my day to deal with piccolo stronzo, who can't behave like a good peasant, like everybody else!!! If I catch you disturbing the flock, the shepherds will put you down! You will be a good little sheep from now on, YES?"
-Angry Borgia guard, "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"HE'S HERE!!! Come, amico... we only wish to talk to you!" *draws weapon* "You think you can out-run us?" >:)
-Guard (to Ezio; all cities), "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"Those quick feet will be the first among many things we'll remove!"
-Guard (to Ezio; all cities), "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"For what it's worth, I think you're great, noble, WONDERFUL 'uomo' (guy)!"
-Frightened Borgia guard (surrendering to Ezio and about to escape), "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood"

"Damn it! I just want to eat! Stay back! Don't make me kill you! Figlio di puttana- GIVE UP!"
-Theif/Pick-pocket (trying desperately to run away from Ezio, "Assassin's Creed 2 & Brotherhood"

"WHAT? GOLD! I hear money...! Oh,! Money, money, MONEY! WOW! I'm going to buy a big, pigeon pie! MONETA! Gold, silver... HAPPINESS!!! Now that's more like it! The easy way-cosi mi piace!!!"
-Various civilians (after Ezio throws money on the street), "Assassin's Creed 2 & Brotherhood"